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Faculty of Engineering on a field visit to the water-raising stations in Nawbariyah

Faculty of Engineering on a field visit to the water-raising stations in Nawbariyah

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Hossam Al-Malahi- President of NUB, Prof. Dr. Yasser Al-Sharbini – Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Khodri – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and believing in the need to link the scientific aspect with the practical aspect in public life to achieve the greatest benefit for students, to prepare graduate engineers with scientific skills and practical to keep pace with the development of the labor market.

The Faculty of Engineering at NUB in cooperation with the Department of Mechanics and Electricity of the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation organized a scientific visit on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 to one of the BIGGEST PROJECTS of the Ministry of Irrigation-  the Project of The Victory Canal of Nobaria, in order to reclaim and irrigate 1.5 million acres, and the trip included the visit of two of the five stations to raise and pump water, namely Station 3 and Station No. 1.

The students were greeted by Engineer Mokhtar Ziadeh, general manager of stations in the Nobaria sector of the Department of Mechanics and Electricity, who explained the reasons for the establishment of this project and its importance and the extent to which it benefited to the present time, and then the students explored the stations in full detail whether in operation, maintenance or repair and the buildings of the station heads and engineers of operation and maintenance, where they introduced the students with all the capabilities and mechanism of operation, maintenance and repair.

It was also agreed to repeat the visit each semester to deepen the benefit of the students and coordination and also to make a field visit to the water-raising stations of the TUSHKA and ESNA project and the hydraulic stations of the High Dam during the half-year vacation.