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NUB Engineering College organizes scientific trips for its students

NUB Engineering College organizes scientific trips for its students

Based on the keenness of NUB to link the scientific aspect to the practical aspect, and to achieve the greatest benefit to students, and the graduation of engineers with scientific skills and practical keeping pace with the development of the labor market, and under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Salem Al Khodri – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, organized the Department of Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering University Of Renaissance, headed by Dr. Mohammed Saad – Head of Department, and under the supervision of Dr. Hassan Mahmoud – former First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity and teacher in the department of energy for the students of the second power division of the power plant in Shoubra Al Khaimah on Tuesday, December 22, 2020.

The students were greeted by Engineer Mohamed Abidin, head of the training sector at the plant, and Engineer Ibrahim Abdel Hadi, director of training, and talked about the Shubra Al Khaimah power plant, which is the real beginning of a new era in the history of electricity in Egypt, the plant was opened in March 1982, and is considered one of the largest and most important steam stations in North Africa, as it jumped by capacity in one location to 1300 MW, which represents 4% of the total electricity generated in Egypt and about 16% for Cairo, and State-of-the-art technology in electrical control and connectivity systems, pollution control and computer use.

Engineer Noman Mostafa, the station’s training officer, began by giving a lecture in which he gave a detailed explanation of the plant and the mechanism of work, and introduced the students during their tour of the power station located on the way in which electricity is produced from the Nile water, where Engineer Noman Mustafa confirmed that the power station Shubra is a steam station in the first place, meaning that it depends entirely on the steam obtained from the Nile water, and from here the water goes through a series of stages of treatment until steam is obtained through which is done the process of producing electricity.

Then it was explained how  the station was fully monitored by computers, which were connected to the station through small lenses located in all parts inside the station even inside the boilers, and acquainted the students on the nature of the work of the console connected to the national network, which shows the main load of the network at the level of the Republic, which is a screen through which the amount of loads of electricity, which has a normal rate of 3000, if the number increases more than that requires reducing loads, and if the speed of this number is reduced- it means the production is low and plants that have megawatts are required to lift loads in the sense of increasing production.

The department also organized another field visit for students of the 1st Division, the energy department of the Swedish Meter Meter plant for meters and electrical cables in the 10th of Ramadan taking all precautions for the Corona pandemic.