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Signing a cooperation protocol between Al-Nahda University and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

Signing a cooperation protocol between Al-Nahda University and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

On Sunday, December 22, 2019, a cooperation protocol was signed between Nahda University and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Hossam Al-Mallahi – President of Al-Nahda University, Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Khudary – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. Muhammad Zahran – President of the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Sciences Space and all board members.

The administration of the Faculty of Engineering at Nahda University seeks to develop the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering to become the Department of Communication, Computer and Space Sciences, believing in the necessity of continuous development of educational programs and increasing their effectiveness to meet the requirements of the labor market, which will provide various and advanced teaching and learning methods, and systems for benefiting from the authority’s expertise in scientific participation in describing and teaching space science courses, establishing specialized laboratories, as well as modeling and simulation for space science systems.

The protocol emphasizes the importance of cooperation and coordination in the field of research, studies and technical applications in the field of communication engineering, space science and remote sensing, with the aim of integrating efforts, scientific cooperation and exchange of experts between the two parties in all fields, especially in the field of education and training.

The protocol also allows training students of the Faculty of Engineering at Nahda University with specialized laboratories in the authority to qualify them, as the two parties agreed to define a mechanism for cooperation between them in the field of training, scientific research and research projects.

This came in the belief of the responsibility of Al-Nahda University towards achieving the state’s strategy, which is to prepare distinguished graduates scientifically, professionally and morally who are able to keep pace with technological development and participate in a distinguished role in the renaissance of society and the development of the environment by conducting applied research and providing advisory, training and productive services in various engineering fields to serve the goals of sustainable development.

It is noteworthy that the signing of the protocol came within the framework of the modern Egyptian state’s tendency to adopt the latest means of technology and enter the field of space, as it is moving in steady steps towards digital transformation and smart transportation systems. It has developed a national strategy for “artificial intelligence” and has achieved a lot in terms of peaceful uses of space. The Egyptian Space Agency was established, and is currently hosting the African Space Agency, and accordingly, the Egyptian satellite (Tiba-1) was launched on November 27, 2019, and the launch of the Egyptian communications satellite “Tiba-1”, which will make a quantum leap in the communications and information technology sector in Egypt, according to Egypt’s future strategy, will use this satellite to help speed up the achievement of sustainable development goals, build digital capabilities that are eligible for employment among young people, shift towards a digital economy and access health and educational services to all parts of the country, in urban and rural areas.

Signing a cooperation protocol between Al-Nahda University and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

Prof. Dr. Hossam Al-Mallahi – President of Al-Nahda University and Dr. Muhammad Zahran – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences during the signing of the protocol

The completion of the signing of the cooperation protocol between Al-Nahda University and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences