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Students of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Nahda University, on a field trip to the administration of Moral Affairs in the Armed Forces

Students of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Nahda University, on a field trip to the administration of Moral Affairs in the Armed Forces

Within the framework of the interest of the Faculty of Mass communication and Public Relations at Nahda University in field Trips to various media institutions, to link students with the labor market and its developments, the Faculty of Mass communication and Public Relations, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, Dean of the Faculty, organized a field Trip on Thursday, October 17, 2019 to administration of the moral affairs of the armed forces.

The students received Buggery Ihab Al-Qahwaji, Assistant Director of the Moral Affairs Department at Colonel Saif El-Din Hall, and he clarified a complete view of the students about the tasks of moral affairs and their various specializations and their role in raising the morale of soldiers and citizens. A documentary film for students entitled “Truth and Challenge” was shown, which dealt with the various tasks of moral affairs management and its role in motivating and supporting the will of soldiers, especially in times of crises and wars.

During the visit, Brigadier General Ibrahim Attia, Commander of the Military Media Center, gave a detailed explanation of the center’s units and the tasks of its various departments, starting with the agency section, websites, translation and viewing, passing through the information analysis section, the social media section and the analysis, publishing and technical support departments.

In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Iraqi Deputy Head of the Military Media Department reviewed the main pages of the authority, explaining the importance of sources in knowing information, and the need to stay away from unknown sources that produce false information. He also emphasized the media role that young people play in spreading awareness and culture and avoiding rumors. .

Then the students were taken on a field tour during which they inspected the work system within the Military Media Center and its various departments, including the Translation Department, the Social Media Department, the Media and Technical Support Units and the Reporting and Watching Department, and during the tour, all students ’inquiries regarding the performance of the military media were answered.

At the end of the tour, Brigadier General Ibrahim Attia stressed on the importance of not being led by rumors and false news, and the importance of verifying news sources.

The visit was concluded by the awarding of Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Salhi, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, the Shield of Al-Nahda University for the Department of Moral Affairs, in appreciation of the university and faculty administration for their efforts and the good reception of students, and the great benefit from the visit that contributed to instilling the values of loyalty and belonging among students.

The Colonel/ Ibrahim Atiyah and Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Salhi, Vice – Dean of the Faculty, in a group photo with the students

Students visiting the units of the Military Media Center

Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Salhi during the delivery of the university shield to Buggery Ihab Al-Qahwaji

Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Salhi during the delivery of the University Shield to Colonel / Ibrahim Attia

Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Salihi handing over the university shield to Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Iraqi