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The Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, organizes a summer training course at the Middle Egypt Electricity Distribution Company for its students

The Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, organizes a summer training course at the Middle Egypt Electricity Distribution Company for its students

The Department of Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, headed by Dr. Mohamed Qorni Saad, organized a summer training course for the department’s students at the Middle Egypt Electricity Distribution Company in Beni Suef from 24 July to  16 August, 2021.

The training program included the basics of electricity and electric meters, getting to know the smart electric grid, and visiting practical sites at the company’s distribution stations in Beni Suef and distribution stations in the governorate’s centers.

This came from Al-Nahda University’s belief in the necessity of linking the scientific side with the practical and applied side to achieve the highest benefit for students to graduate engineers with scientific and practical skills that keep pace with the development of the labor market.

At the conclusion of the training program, Middle Egypt Electricity Distribution Company organized on Monday, August 16, 2021 a ceremony to distribute certificates to students and discuss their suggestions for developing summer training in the company in the coming years.

Students of the Faculty of Engineering with Dr. Mohamed Saad – Head of Energy Department, Eng. Mohamed Khairallah – First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity and Eng. Ahmed Sedky – Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Middle Egypt Electricity Distribution Company

A student’s discussion of his proposals for the development of summer training during the closing ceremony.

Eng.Ahmed Shaaban – Training Officer while explaining to the students

Explanation of Eng. Muhammad Farouk to the students