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The Faculty of Mass Communication and Public Relations, Al Nahda University, celebrates the winning of its students in the Sharjah International Festival and Ibdaa Festival

The Faculty of Mass Communication and Public Relations, Al Nahda University, celebrates the winning of its students in the Sharjah International Festival and Ibdaa Festival

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Hossam Al Mallahi – President of Al Nahda University, the Faculty of Mass communication and Public Relations organized a celebration entitled “White Day” on Tuesday 24 November 2020 at the University’s stadium on the occasion of its students’ winning in the Sharjah International University Short Film Festival and the Ibdaa 8 competition.

The ceremony was attended by Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar – Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abu Bakr Al Salhi – Vice-Dean of the Faculty, faculty staff, the assisting staff, and students.

The ceremony honored the students who won first place in the field of cartoon films at the Sharjah International Short Film Festival, in the United Arab Emirates. Students of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Al Nahda University won first place in the field of cartoon films for the “Case S” film. The prize value amounted to 40 thousand pounds and a certificate of appreciation and shield of the festival, with the participation of more than 50 Arab and foreign universities from 12 countries in the online system.

This is in addition to honoring the students who won first place in the short films competition at the eighth edition of the Ibdaa Festival for “Key 10 Film”, with the participation of a large number of media faculties all over the republic.

The Dean of the Faculty expressed his happiness with the supervising representation of the faculty in various local and international competitions, praising the efforts of the staff, the assisting staff and students, and affirmed the faculty’s constant keenness to participate in all competitions with confidence in the distinguished level of students and their work, and indicated the faculty’s constant interest in organizing events that help Consolidating the relationship between students and staff, and imparting an atmosphere of joy and fun among students.

The ceremony featured many students ’different talents, such as singing, playing, reciting poetry and others, with the aim of supporting the students’ talents and working on their development. Photo sessions were also held for students in white clothes, which were required to attend to represent a call for students towards hope and optimism in light of the Corona crisis that the country is going through.

A football match was held between the students, where the participating students were divided into two teams, and the match was held in an atmosphere that ignited the enthusiasm of the students, with everyone abiding by the precautionary measures and wearing masks to preserve the safety of all.

The ceremony was concluded by honoring Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, Dean of the Faculty of Mass communication, to the staff, the assisting staff, and the winning students, and handing them certificates of appreciation, in appreciation of what they had achieved, and to encourage the rest of the students to do the same.

It is worth noting that the faculty won first place in the field of cartoon films at the Sharjah International University Festival for Short Films for the cartoon ” Case S”, which is a two-minute cartoon film that aims to spread awareness of the dangers of obesity as one of the diseases of the era with widespread prevalence, and the cartoon film depends on the joyful light song, which is achieved by attracting public interest, developing awareness and motivating them to adopt a positive behavior to preserve their health, and this film is one of the graduation projects for students of the Public Relations Department of the Faculty for the year 2020, prepared by the two students, Dina Ashraf Adly Aziz, Alaa Saad Muhammad Mustafa, and supervised by Dr. Hanadi Gharib – Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations, Demonstrator: Ms. Iman Abdel-Qader, and Demonstrator Ms. Iman Rabie.

The faculty also won first place for the film “Key 10” in Ibdaa Short Film Competition for the year 2020, and the film discusses the issue of child labor from a new perspective, as it addresses the suffering of children, their dreams and their wishes in a manner that attracts attention, and the film shows the suffering of a child while working in a car workshop, A surprise happened to him that makes the child see life differently, as the students relied on the fantasy method in presenting and handling the issue, and this film is one of the graduation projects for students of the radio and television department in the faculty, prepared by students Abdullah Khaled, Basma Issa, Hadeer Ihab, Mayar Ahmed, Ahmed El-Safti, Mirna Abdel Nasser, Mohamed Zuhair, and supervised by Dr. Maha Mohamed Fathy – a Lecturer in the Radio and Television Department, and Assistant Lecturer Heba Magdy, and Demonstrator Ahmed Hadi,

This is in addition to the faculty’s students harvesting advanced positions in many competitions and festivals in which the faculty participated, as the faculty of mass communication in Nahda university won ten prizes in national, academic and international competitions and festivals during the past three years, as it won four prizes during the academic year 2019/2020 in national and academic competitions. These include the first place in the National Competition of Ibdaa for the best documentary film for the film “key 10”, the first place for the best radio advertisement “Get it Safe Campaign”, the third place for the documentary films “The Great Certificate”, and the third place for university newspapers “Voice of Nahda” in the Al Shorouk Academic Festival.

The faculty also won the third place prize for short films during the academic year 2018/2019 for the film “The Enchanted Lake”. It won three prizes during the academic year 2017/2018, including the second place for short films in Ibdaa National Competition for the film “Samaha”, the second place for short films for the film “The Enchanted Lake” at the Al Shorouk Academic Festival, and the Excellence and Creativity Award in the Water Conservation Competition of the Holding Company for Water Drinking, in addition to the first place prize in photography at the Fox Festival at Beni Suef University in the 2016/2017 academic year.

This comes as a result of the faculty of Mass communication and Public Relations’s interest in practical training for students in various media fields and arts, and the use of elite media professionals in the practical training of students in the studios and laboratories of the faculty by Al-Nahda radio and television at the university’s campus, in addition to training in prestigious media institutions, and organizing an annual festival for graduation projects in the presence of a group of media professionals, Artists and specialists from jury to evaluate graduation projects.

Prof. Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar participates with the students in the celebration activities

Honoring Dr. Maha Fathy – Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television

Dr. Hanadi Gharib – Lecturer, Public Relations Department

Honoring the Demonstrator Mr. Ahmed Abdel Hadi

Honoring The demonstrator Ms. Iman Rabie

Honoring the graduates of the faculty of Mass communication who won the eighth season’s Ibdaa festival with the movie Key 10

Honoring Dina Ashraf Adly Aziz and Alaa Saad Muhammad Mustafa for winning first place in the Sharjah International University Short Film Festival for the cartoon “Case S”

A football match between university students on the sidelines of the ceremony