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The Faculty of Mass Communication at Al-Nahda University wins first place in the Short Film Competition “in Ibdaa Festival”

The Faculty of Mass Communication at Al-Nahda University wins first place in the Short Film Competition “in Ibdaa Festival”

The jury at the eighth edition of the Ibdaa Festival announced that “Film Key 10” for students of the Faculty of Media and Public Relations at Nahda University won first place in the Short Film Competition.

Dr. Hossam Al-Mallahi, President of Al-Nahda University, congratulated the students of the Faculty of Mass communications who won first place in the second annual Sharjah International University Festival for Short Films, and decided to hold a special ceremony to honor the winning students and their supervisors from the staff and assisting staff, as an encouragement to the students, and an appreciation for their professors as a custom followed by the university to encourage outstanding students in all scientific disciplines that the university includes in the Faculties of Human Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Computers, Engineering, Business Administration and Mass communication.

Eng. Mohammad Al-Rashidi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al-Nahda University, congratulated the students and their faculty supervisors on this remarkable success, which is a new addition to the continuing successes of the university’s faculties, and stressed the university’s constant interest in providing all the support required for faculties and students to reach them to the best levels in a way that makes them always Honorable ambassadors for Egypt.

Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication stated that the film “Key 10”, the winner of the first place in Ibdaa competition for the year 2020, discusses the issue of child labor from a new perspective, as it addresses the suffering of children, their dreams and their wishes in a manner that attracts attention. The film shows the suffering of a child while working in a car workshop, to a surprise that makes the child see life differently, as the students relied on the fantasy method of presenting and addressing the issue.

The film was implemented under the supervision of Dr. Maha Mohamed Fathy, Head of the Radio and Television Department, Heba Magdi Al-Mitwali, Assistant Lecturer in the Department, and Demonstrator Ahmed Sayed Abdel Hadi, and the implementation of students Abdullah Khaled Muhammad, Basma Issa Abdullah, Ahmed Ahmed Shaaban Al-Safti, Mayar Ahmed Mustafa, Hadeer Ihab Ahmed, Mirna Abdel Nasser, Mohamed Zuhair.

It is worth noting that the short film “Key 10” also won the first place in the annual festival of graduation projects organized by the Faculty of Mass communication at Al-Nahda University on March 3, in the presence of a group of experts and specialists in the field of art and media.

It is noteworthy that the Faculty of Mass communication and Public Relations at Al-Nahda University won second place in the field of short films in Ibdaa competition in the fifth season for the film “Samaha”.

The faculty also won three prizes this year from Al Shorouk Festival for graduation projects. The students of the Faculty of Mass communications won first place at the level of universities and institutes in the television program competition for the “Tunis Village” program, and the faculty’s students won first place in the radio advertisements for the advertisement “Enter it safe “. The faculty’s students also won third place in the documentary films competition for the movie “The Great Certificate”.