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The Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, on a field Trip to the solar and thermal power station in Al-Korimat

The Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, on a field Trip to the solar and thermal power station in Al-Korimat

The Department of Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, headed by Dr. Mohamed Saad, organized a scientific visit for students to the solar and thermal power Station in Al-Korimat on Wednesday, August 18, 2021.

The students were received by Mr. Omar Hamdi – Director of Public Relations at the station, who gave an introductory lecture on the establishment of the station and its production of electricity.

It is worth noting that this project is one of three similar projects being implemented in Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt), which mainly rely on integrating the field of solar energy with the combined cycle.

The project capacity is 140 megawatts, including the solar energy share of 20 megawatts, and the total cost is $340 million. The project was completed and entered commercial operation on June 29, 2011.

Students of the Faculty of Engineering with Dr. Mohamed Saad – Head of the Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Dr. Hassan Mahmoud and Eng. Sayed Saeed in front of the solar complex at the station.

 Students with Dr. Mohamed Saad, Dr. Hassan Mahmoud and Eng. Sayed Saeed from inside the station

Part of the visit of the students of the Department of Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering to the solar and thermal power station in Al-Korimat.