Our Programs

Business Administration


Business Administration

Vision of quality assurance unit :

Excellence in applying quality assurance standards in education, research activities and community service to gain the trust of the local, regional and international community within the framework of the college and university vision.

Mission of quality assurance unit :

Establishing an internal system for comprehensive institutional evaluation  to achieve both the vision and mission of the college and to ensure the continued development of all systems and means that support the efficiency of the educational process to prepare graduates who are able to compete in the labor market.

Goals of quality assurance unit :

1- Fulfilling the requirements of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in light of the university’s strategy.

2- Spreading the culture of performance appraisal and ensuring its continuity among all faculty members and faculty staff, and developing awareness of the system’s objectives in this regard.

3- Establishing the concept of accreditation as an indicator to ensure the efficiency of the educational process.

4- Periodic review of the college’s quality policy and systems, while leading the process of continuous improvement of institutional and academic performance.

5- Continuous planning in accordance with specific and clear performance criteria to always advance the educational process and its outputs to comply with the requirements of the times and to meet the needs of the labor market, by developing a strategy for a five-year plan for the college

6- Developing an integrated system for internal review and continuous self-evaluation, while studying the technical capabilities and resources available to the college and determining their suitability for the outputs of the educational process, and developing the skills of faculty members, their assistants, and college workers.

7- Qualifying the college for the stage of quality assurance and accreditation at the national and international levels.

8- Gaining the community’s trust in the outputs of the college’s education system

  1. معايير اختيار القيادات الاكاديمية والادارية
  2. التوصيف الوظيفي
  3. الميثاق الاخلاقي لكلية ادارة الاعمال


جودة كلية أدارة الأعمال