
Al-Nahda University in Beni Suef supports health development efforts in Upper Egypt

Based on the active role of Al-Nahda University and the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine in serving the Upper Egypt community in general and the sons of Beni Suef Governorate in particular.  Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Hossam Al-Mallahi – President of Al-Nahda University, and Prof. Dr. Magdy Abdel-Qader – Vice President for Education and Student Affairs. The Faculty provides its therapeutic services to the citizens of Beni Suef, on top of which is what the medical team made several steps under general anaesthesia for a 4-year-old child using the latest medical devices designed to follow up on patients’ cases until recovery. The number of visitors to the hospital in the second half of last year has reached 15,602 cases, which are treated free of charge from the sons of Beni Suef. All this gives students a wide experience for practical training to graduate ready generations for Tomorrow.


The Faculty of Computer Science, Al-Nahda University, honors its distinguished students

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Saleh – Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Vice President of the University for Strategic Planning and International Cooperation honored outstanding students at various levels for the academic year 2020/2021 and who received training courses to qualify them for the job market, and Dr. Abdulaziz Muhammad – Head of the Computer Department was also honored, and the staff of the faculty assisting body, And in the presence of Prof. Dr. Kamel Hussein Rahoma- Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science for Education and Student Affairs, a number of faculty staff and members of the assisting body, and a number of student representatives from all academic levels.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Saleh also met with Eng. Ahmed Hassan Al-Sayed – Executive Director of the Expert Solutions Company, to discuss ways of cooperation between the faculty and the company in training students of the Faculty of Computer Science at the company’s branch in Beni Suef.

Today’s activities began with a meeting between the Dean of the Faculty and the student’s representatives, in which the students presented a summary of the various activities for the families of the faculty, and what took place during the first semester of field training provided by the Faculty.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Saleh – (Dean of the Faculty) assured the students to implement their constructive proposals as soon as possible, to raise the level of academic education and field training in the college, and stressed the need to repeat such meetings periodically.


The Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, welcomes students from the STEM School for Pioneers in Beni Suef

Based on the state’s interest in sponsoring outstanding and innovative students and in support of students of the STEM School for pioneers in Science and Technology in Beni Suef, and Complementing the societal role has played by the Faculty of Engineering, Al-Nahda University, and based on the directives of Prof. Dr. Hossam Al-Mallahi – President of the University, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayoub – Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Community Service, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Khudary – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Department of Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nahda University received a group of students from STEM School.

On March 28, 2021, to assist them in environmental impact projects for electric and renewable energy projects.

A field tour was conducted for the students at the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering and departmental projects, and a meeting was held with Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Khudary – Dean of the Faculty and Dr. Muhammad Saad, Head of the Electrical and Renewable Energy Department. Mohamed Saad, head of the department and Prof. Dr. Ragab El-Sakka – Professor at the faculty and Assistant Professor / Mohamed Ibrahim, professor in the department. It was agreed with the students to hold a weekly meeting to complete the projects for the students.
